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When was the company founded?

The company was established according to the decision of the Minister of Economy and Trade No. (163) for the year 2006 according to its Articles of Association ratified on 12/7/2006.

The first actual fiscal year was at the end of 2008.

What are the objectives of Qatar Oman Investment Company?

Qatar Oman Investment Company aims at investing its funds in all types of investment opportunities available in the State of Qatar and the Sultanate of Oman based on a sound business ground in order to maximize the shareholders’ returns and to contribute to the economic, commercial and social development in both countries.

How many shares Qatar Oman Investment Company have in Qatar Exchange?

Qatar Oman Investment Company has 315,000,000 shares with a par value of QR 1 per share.

What is the financial year of Qatar Oman Investment Company?

The financial year of the company starts from January to the end of December each year.

Accordingly, the four seasons are divided into the following dates: 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December.

Where and how can I get the dividends for Qatar Oman Investment Company?

The Company distributes its dividends for the financial year on the following day of the Annual General Assembly Meeting and the Assembly’s approval of the distribution value.

if the investors bank data is in his account with the Qatar Central Depository, we deposit the amount in the account automatically, and in case that the shareholders bank details are absence then he has to visit any branch of Commercial Bank of Qatar to receive profits.

Please visit the shareholders (by clicking here) for more details.

I owned shares in the company before but didn't receive the profits?

In the interest of Qatar Oman Investment Company shareholders, in case you have not received any dividends for the previous years, check the shareholders page (by clicking here) for detailed steps of how to update the shareholders data or to know the method on how to get the dividend that have not yet received.

When will Qatar Oman Investment Company hold its Annual General Meeting?

There is no specific date for the Annual General Assembly Meeting, but it is usually held in March of each year, for more details you can contact the Shareholders Affairs Department to inquire.

Where and how do I register for the Annual General Meeting?

After the company announces the venue of the General Assembly Meeting, Shareholders need to attend the venue and register at least one hour before the start of the meeting.

I want a copy of the annual reports? Or previous financial statements?

You can visit the financial results page (by click here) and browse the archive’s annual reports and financial reports of the company

Can I contact the Account Manager or Investor Relations Officer?

Qatar Oman Investment Company welcomes any inquiries or questions from our valued investors.

All you have to do is call the main company number or communicate via e-mail and you will be contacted to the responsible officer or we would ask for your contact numbers and we will contact you later.